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The working group deals with the architecture of adaptive ("intelligent") information processing systems. The main topic is the research, application, and implementation of adaptive systems, mostly neural networks and oher statistically determined systems, for the problems of information extraction and processing in computer systems ("adaptive operating systems"), image data, bio-medical systems, financial computing, and industrial process control.

Project Image Recognition

How can a sytem automatically recognize an object on a picture ? How does our vision
system function? These questions are treated by theories, models and validating simulations.



Project Credit card fraud detection

Nowadays, credit cards are important for financial flow - but also for fraud attacks. How can you predict that a given transaction is a fraud attempt and not the use of a legal credit card ? This is a classification problem with very special demands.

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Project Signature Recognition

A writing pen equipped with electronic sensors can be used for many applications. For instance, in authentification or medical diagnosis. In this project, the discovery of typical features is performed for each job.

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Project Mortality prognosis

Patients in an intensive care unit may die by a septic shock or survive. How does the doctor remarks that the state becomes critical? Sometimes, the signs are difficult to observe. In the MEDAN project, they were automatically deduced by the clinical data.

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