
Hie gibt es die Papers zum Herunterladen:

1) J. G. Tylor, N. Fragopanagos, Modeling the Interaction of Attention and Emotion, BICS 2004
2) L. Andrew Coward, The Recomendation Architecture Model for Human Cognition, BICS 2004
3) L. Andrew Coward, Simulation of a Proposed Binding Model, BICS 2004
4) Roman Borisyuk, Synchronisation-Based Computational Learning of Attention-Guided Object Selection and Novelty Detection, BICS 2004
5) Yi Chenn, Juyang Weng, A Case Study of Development Robotics in Understanding 'Object Permanence', BICS 2004
7) Simon Vavpotic, Andrej Dobnikar, Advanced Evolutionary Design of Genreralized Recurrent Neural Networks, BICS 2004
8) M. Hasanzade, S. Begheri, C. Lucas, Discovering Fuzzy Classifiers by Genetic Algorithms, EIS 2004
9) Robert A. Jacobs, Methods for Combining Experts 'Probability Assessments', Neural Computation 7, 867-888 (1995).
10) A. Heinze, H.-M. Gross, Anticipation-Based Control Architecture for a Mobile Robot, Proc. ICANN 2001

Information zu Evolutionären Algorithmen gibt es auf Anfrage bei Herrn Brause. Einschlägige Literatur ist auch in der Bibliothek zu finden.

11, 12, 13) Reinforcement learning

reinforcement learning and AI:

14) Ameisenalgorithmen:
M. Dorigo, Luca M. Gambardella, Ant Colonies for the Travelling Salesman Problem, BioSystems 1997, und
M. Dorigo, Gianni Di Caro, Ant Algorithms for Discrete Optimization, Artificial Life, MIT Press 1999