Proseminar Komplexe Adaptive Systeme |
Name Thema Ausarbeitung Folien Ljuljzim Aljimi Modeling the Interaction of Attention and Emotion AljimiAusarbeitung AljimiFolien Jana Böckling Simulation of a Proposed Binding Model Patrick Guttner Synchronisation-Based Computational Learning of Attention-Guided Object Selection and Novelty Detection GuttnerAusarbeitung GuttnerFolien Rüdiger Brause Evolutionäre Algorithmen BrauseFolien Roozbeh Hassan Vand Advanced Evolutionary Design of Genreralized Recurrent Neural Networks HassanAusarbeitung HassanFolien Christoph Knopp Discovering Fuzzy Classifiers by Genetic Algorithms KnoppAusarbeitung KnoppFolien Alexander Schmid Reinforcement Learning – The Reinforcement Learning Problem SchmidAusarbeitung SchmidFolien Daniel Radeloff Ameisenalgorithmen RadeloofAusarbeitung RadeloffFolien Reinforcement Learning – Einführung in „Dynamic Programming“ Reinforcement Learning – Anwendung von „Dynamic Programming“ Methods for Combining Experts 'Probability Assessments' Anticipation-Based Control Architecture for a Mobile Robot A Case Study of Development Robotics in Understanding „Object Permanence“ The Recomendation Architecture Model for Human Cognition